PMU Lips tattoo

Permanent Makeup Tinted Lips tattoo creates a beautiful lip gloss/lipstick look that you will love. Never worry about smearing again!

Lip Blush in 3 Easy Steps

Discuss The Look

Come and tell us what look or results you are looking for 

Pick The color/shade

Choose a shade or color that best suites what you are looking for

Get Beautiful Lips

The color is applied and after a few hours you have beautiful lips

Never sMEAR again!

Permanent Makeup Lips tattoo is the perfect alternative to wearing lipstick or lip gloss. We have smeared our products before, it is the worst! Now you never have to worry about it again.  Tinted lips is your perfect solution.

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A collection of our beautiful clients

PMU Lips Tattoo

Lip procedures require the most time. The client and technician will determine lip color and shape during consultation. Lips can be given more definition and color. Fever blisters are a common side affect of lip tattooing. If you have ever had fever blisters (even years ago), cold sores, shingles or chicken pox a prescribed anti-viral medication must be taken prior to and after the procedure. 

To ensure the best retention of color, it is advisable to exfoliate the lips during the week prior to procedure by using a soft toothbrush, a washcloth or wet paper towel. After exfoliating apply Vaseline or a lip moisturizer to lips. Do not wax above lips or use any bleaching products within a week of procedure.


Lips will be kept numb during the procedure with a combination of topical anesthetics. After the procedure you will be given an ointment to apply to the lips as well as all after care instructions. Lips will be tender for a day or so but over the counter pain medication can help relieve this as well as using ice for swelling and discomfort. The lips generally take 2 to 3 weeks to heal completely and always need at least 1 touch up.

Permanent Makeup pricing

What To expect

After Care

Lips will feel swollen and very dry after your treatment. Apply supplied after care ointment on lips several times a day. This should be done for at least 14 days post treatment. Do not allow lips to become dry. This may interfere with healed color. During the day if lips feel dry, apply a liberal amount of ointment. Just tap on skin and do not rub in. 

Always use a clean Q-tip, not fingers to apply ointment to the lips area. This will reduce the risk of secondary infection. It is advised to sleep on an old pillowcase. There will be residual pigment coming off the lips for several days that can stain linens. 

After lips are no longer tender to the touch they may become flaky. This is normal and is expected. Please do not pick or scratch at them. This may significantly reduce the amount pigment uptake. 

Avoid the sun and tanning beds pre and post procedure. Be sure to use a sun block once lips are healed. Do not use any Glycolic, Hydroxy or fruit acid products on lips. 

Avoid direct water pressure, pools and other bodies of water, until healed. Please be advised it is a good idea to brush your teeth with just water for 72 hours, post treatment. You can resume wearing lipstick once lips are healed. It is advised to use a new lipstick after all lip treatments. Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness are all common post treatment side effects and will dissipate in a short period of time. Avoid oily, salty, acidic foods and alcohol while healing. 

Lips are a muscle and will need 1 to 3 sessions to complete the process of this procedure. Lips are unpredictable. Some clients will yield very strong healed lip color. Others will only heal with slight color uptake. This will vary on an individual basis. Clients with sun damage, scar tissue (from injury or fever blisters) and clients with implants may not have strong results. 

Hyperpigmentation can happen on any lip client without warning. Fever Blisters are a known side effect of all lip procedures. Clients are asked to go to their doctor or dentist for an anti-viral medication prior to any lip procedure, to help avoid an outbreak. Follow all before and after instructions after all lip treatments. Lip retouch must be scheduled 30 to 45 days apart from initial season to help with color retention. 

Lips heal in three stages: Too dark – Too light – Just right. This takes one month to happen. Please avoid any friction to lip area.




Like any cosmetic procedure, this is a process. Do not expect immediate results. PLEASE be patient. 

It will be a few weeks before you can fully appreciate the results.

Cancelation Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please inform us 48 hours ahead of your appointment or else you will be charged a small fee.

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